Properties in Jayena

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180,000 €

House for sale in Jayena (Granada)

2 Floors | 4 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | Plot 24,624 m2 | Built 140 m2

Key Features • Off-grid • Quality solar installation • Well insulated • Wonderful views • Easy access Granada Houses offers this opportunity to purchase an almost finished off-grid countryside property set in 2.5 hectares of land in the province of Granada...

195,000 €

House for sale in Jayena (Granada)

  Brand new

5 Floors | 9 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | Plot 317 m2 | Built 484 m2

Key Features: Impressive potential boutique hotel Easy access to Granada city and coast Gorgeous countryside Walking distance to amenities General: This is a historic centrally located three storey property with basement, and Moorish style drying...

most wanted localities in Granada

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