Houses for Sale in Barcelona (Province)

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House for Sale in Barcelona (Barcelona)  -  Ref.: 001031

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House for Sale in Barcelona


290,000 €

Metro 2 Plot1,160 €
Metro 2 Built3,718 €


Plot250 m2
Built78 m2
Useful55 m2

Area: Torre Baró

  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • In Good Condition


This house is a true oasis 10 minutes from the center of Barcelona. The owners are true lovers of nature, ecological materials, sustainability and efficient energy. The details and the love that they put into consolidating this house can be seen in the details, when you get there you can clearly realize the quality and benefits of living in this type of environment; What are most people looking for today? The house is currently composed of a living room with an open kitchen, a double bedroom with a full bathroom and a workshop that could be converted into any necessary space. General details about access: - the house is accessed via a private stone staircase with no exit and has only 3 neighbors - It is 100 meters from the first path that enters the Collserola park. - the bus stop is at the bottom of the stairs, the metro is 700 meters away and the train is 900 meters away - free parking Exterior: - permaculture garden with drip irrigation system with timer - water tank converted into a wine cellar (buried space of 6m2 that could also be converted into a swimming pool) - barbecue space Inside: - the water and electricity installations are new - windows and doors/windows are new with double glazing and UV protection - the windows also open tilt-and-turn - cat flap for pet that goes to the garden - new awnings to regulate the sun/heat - new parquet floor - 'rocket stove' to heat. Every two years it would have to be chimney-swept, although it is not necessary to hire someone, since it has two holes for cleaning and it could be done directly. - vents micra 100 (the one in our room) is an energy efficient air handling unit. - new 80 liter water heater - all new bathroom with bidet - Storage room with new electrical and water installations for washer and dryer, with large sink. Workshop: - constructed of 20cm deep insulated wood and filled with borax treated cellulose which is both insulating and fire retardant - dormers with curtain on the ceiling to regulate temperature and air - installation for a kitchen in case you want to install there Do not hesitate to contact for more details.


  • Fireplace
  • Facing the South


  • Wood Floor
  • PVC Windows

community areas

  • Garden

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