Houses for Sale in Barcelona (Province)

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House for Sale in Tordera (Barcelona)  -  Ref.: 709

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House for Sale in Tordera


231,000 €

Metro 2 Plot330 €
Metro 2 Built1,925 €


Plot700 m2
Built120 m2
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • Age: 68 years
  • In Good Condition


Beautiful house for sale with garden in Tordera. The property is distributed as follows; entrance hall, spacious living room with fireplace, open kitchen with island, 3 bedrooms; two double and one single, 1 full bathroom. The property has city gas heating, PVC windows with double glazing. At the rear exterior, there is an annex of about 30m2 currently used as a storage room, but it can be used as a dwelling, it has a summer kitchen, windows, and an independent door. The house is about 8 years old, new and modern in style. In the exterior, there is a pergola in the garden, which is all flat. It is located about 5 minutes from Tordera by car, the urbanization has urban bus service. Inquire for information without commitment


  • Fireplace
  • Facing the South - East


  • PVC Windows

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  • Garden

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