Properties for Sale in Jarafuel

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Properties in Jarafuel
65,000 €

House for sale in Jarafuel (Valencia)

3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | Built 176 m2

Village house in Jarafuel of a total of 176 m2 and 77 m2 plot built in 1985 This nice village house on the edge of the village with an open view toward the countryside has a lounge 3 bedrooms...

Properties in Jarafuel
139,000 €

House for sale in Jarafuel (Valencia)

2 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | Plot 46 m2 | Built 144 m2

Large almond grove with Farmhouse to reform for sale in Jarafuel This farmhouse is already prepared to live in but needs to be finished good views all around and good access road

Properties in Jarafuel
90,000 €

House for sale in Jarafuel (Valencia)

6 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom

Gran house in the center of JarafuelWith 6 bedrooms and 1 bathroomAsk for more information without commitment

Properties in Jarafuel
105,000 €

House for sale in Jarafuel (Valencia)

2 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | Plot 6,449 m2 | Built 65 m2

Beautiful Villa the Campo of Jarafuel scenic views surround this off the grid property with a generous amount of land The villa features a modern solar system 1 large master conservatory bedroom with en suite and...

Properties in Jarafuel
120,000 €

Apartment for sale in Jarafuel (Valencia)

3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | Built 90 m2

Piso en Jarafuel de 90 m cuadrados techos largos y altos cocina totalmente equipada tiene 3 dormitorios y en dos estan incluidos armarios tiene dos baños un trastero de 38 m cuadrados con toma de agua Tambien...

Properties in Jarafuel
260,000 €

Country Property for sale in Jarafuel (Valencia)

3 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | Plot 253,841 m2 | Built 117 m2

Beautiful reformed semidetached campo house In Jarafuel on a short distance to town The house sits on a large almonds grove and has amazing views over the valley  Loungediner kitchen garage 3 bedrooms and bathroom upstairs...

Properties in Jarafuel
85,000 €

House for sale in Jarafuel (Valencia)

3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | Plot 102 m2 | Built 199 m2

New listing Description will follow

Properties in Jarafuel
275,000 €

House for sale in Jarafuel (Valencia)

5 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms

2storey building with a total of 317 m2 and the following distribution Ground floor of 115 m2 Dining room large and well equipped kitchen utility room large pantry bathroom closet at the entrance and two bedrooms Garage...

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