Plot 300 m2
Urban Plot in Estadilla, of approximately 300 m2 in the Somontano region, Huesca province, Aragones Pre-Pyrenees. Currently on the plot there is an old construction to be reformed of approximately 200 m2, on two floors...
Semi-Detached | Plot 300 m2 | Built 200 m2
Building with a garden to reform in Estadilla, Somontano region, Huesca province, Aragones Pre-Pyrenees, The existing building, formerly intended for agricultural and livestock use, has two floors with a total of approximately 200 m2 built. The...
Plot 1,500 m2
Building plot of approximately 1,500 m2 in Estadilla, a town in the Somontano region, province of Huesca. Aragonese Pre-Pyrenees. Land on urban land with access to water, electricity and sewage services. It is accessed by a...
Plot 2,331 m2 | Built 191 m2
Building formed by Corrales y Pajares with 191 m2 built in Estadilla pueblo del Somontano, access by paved road and access to the services of the town such as water, electricity, sewage, etc. Possibility of several...
Detached | 1 Bedroom | Plot 715 m2 | Built 94 m2
Old 94 m2 stone barn with a 715 m2 plot, urban, located in Estadilla, a village in the Somontano region. The building has two floors with stone walls and access to all services. The walls are in...