Homes for Sale in Montseny

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Homes in Montseny
450,000 €

House for sale in Montseny (Barcelona)

4 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | Plot 7,800 m2 | Built 260 m2

Farmhouse catalogued in good condition, livable of 204 m² built and 7,800 m² of land next to a small river with a small building of plant and several storerooms around the farmhouse to restore, has water and...

Homes in Montseny
250,000 €

House for sale in Montseny (Barcelona)

1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom | Plot 150,000 m2 | Built 250 m2

Masia in ruins of approximately 1,800. Floor and floor. It has a building apart from about 20 m. Nestled on top of a mountain on a 15-hectare site. According to the law of 3/2917 of 13.02 2.018 of the CIVIL...

Homes in Montseny
650,000 €

House for sale in Montseny (Barcelona)

6 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | Plot 240,000 m2 | Built 485 m2

Large mountain farmhouse of rectangular shape of approximately the year 1,800,, built in various phases. Partially renovated roof. On its south side has large fields of crops at various heights the rest is forest. Curious staircase...

Homes in Montseny
450,000 €

House for sale in Montseny (Barcelona)

8 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | Plot 40,000 m2 | Built 325 m2

Farmhouse catalogued divided into two houses with independent entrances, built in the year 1,800 habitable and partially renovated more garage and two storerooms to reform. Main House composed of living room, kitchen with built-in oven and...

Homes in Montseny
345,000 €

House for sale in Montseny (Barcelona)

4 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | Plot 17,300 m2 | Built 282 m2

SALE, from 399.000 € reduced to 345.000 €, listed farmhouse built in 1700 partially renovated, habitable with very easy access within the natural park of Montseny (IMPORTANT, the Diputació offers every year non-refundable subsidies for the works and improvements to...

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